Thursday 21 April 2011

Filmed footage at Scarlett's house

As I was absent on 28th March and that our group had to start re-filming our horror opening, Hayley and Scarlett went out of school in a media lesson and filmed at Scarlett's house where the start of the opening is located. I have been seen this filmed footage on the Mac and the different new shots they have filmed. They have filmed a variety of shots from an establishing shot outside of Scarlett's house as this would give the audience a sense of  location. They then filmed Scarlett making a text saying 'We need to talk. Meet me at 12 at Pleasure Park tomorrow.x' and sending it to Jamie using different angles to provide a variety of shots to edit with. They also filmed Hayley's phone receiving the text as though it is Jamie who is receiving it as the audience would not know that this was not Jamie's phone. They also filmed different shots and close ups of photos of Jamie and Scarlett to show to the audience the happy relationship they have. To make the audience understand the character Jamie's rage of thinking that Scarlett is breaking up with him, Hayley and Scarlett also filmed Jamie ripping up photos of him and Scarlett to show how distraught and heart-broken he is which leads to him being crazy and eventually killing her.

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