Tuesday 9 November 2010

Two Possible Opening Ideas

On Monday 8th November, we started thinking about two different ideas for our opening. We also thought about the pros and cons for each opening location and how it can affect our filming.

Opening Idea 1

Girlfriend and boyfriend, Ellie and Ben are walking through the park, holding hands to the Bandstand where she slowly breaks up with him. She lets go of his hand and walks off, leaving Ben standing there alone. Ben does not understand why but is confused and raged about the suddden break up. He then sees new boyfriend Matt waiting for Ellie at the end of the road which triggers his anger (could have an extreme close up of Matt's eyes- showing his anger and jealousy to the audience). Later on, Ellie and her friends all get ready for the fun party ahead while far away, Ben is alone in the dark stabbing photos of Ellie, Ben and her friends.

Location: Pleasure Park, filmed at about mid-morning or late afternoon
         Pros:-Nice surroundings
              -Autumn atmosphere

         Cons:-Quite a lot of people around
              -Dark early

Opening Idea 2

Ellie and her friends are going into town where Ben and Matt are already in town. Ellie sees Ben and Matt and meets up with them. Ellie goes up to Ben and Matt goes over to her friends, seeing that Ellie had something to tell Ben. Ellie breaks up with Ben and he is finding it hard to cope and believe the sudden break up. Ellie, Matt and her friends all leave Ben standing there alone, not feeling a slight sympathy for him, she walks off. Ben's anger builds up, seeing her not caring a slight bit and seeing her with Matt, makes him even more raged and jealous (could have an establishing shot of Ben alone and Ellie, Matt and friends walking further away from him). Later on, Ellie, Matt and friends all get ready for the party, leaving their front door while Ben all alone in his room, plans revenge and is stabbing photos in the dark.

Location: Town, filmed anytime
         Pros:-Easy to use different camera shots
              -Good surroundings

         Cons:-People there all the time

We have decided to use opening idea 2 because it seems more interesting, having a bigger surrounding in town but there would be difficulties due to the crowdness of people, making it harder to film. However, we would be using a range of different camera shots so our opening would be creative and interesting. We already have ideas for our cast, thinking about who would be suitable playing the characters in our opening.

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