Tuesday 1 March 2011

Moving forward into Post-Production stage

Now that we have completed our Production stage of our horror opening, this means that we can now move forward into the next stage, the Post-Production stage. Altogether, we have about 11 minutes worth of footage that we can edit with to create our 2 minutes horror opening. With the Post-Production stage, we would need to learn the basics of how to edit our horror opening like composing our own music to go over the top and adding different enhanced sound effects to create the tension and suspense in our opening. However, we would move forward into this stage and start editing the next lesson that we have which is on Monday 7th March as we would miss tomorrow's lesson, Wednesday 2nd March due to Skills For Life.

Downloading the footage onto the Mac

Today, me and Scarlett decided to download the footage we filmed of the scene of the stabbing of the photos onto the Mac. The footage downloaded was 7 minutes from 26 clips. This would be more than enough to edit with using that scene and other footage that we also have.

Props we used

These are the props that we used to film the scene of the stabbing of the photos.

These are the photos that Scarlett created and arranged on the noticeboard for Connor to stab into. There are different pictures of the character Ellie (played by Scarlett) for Ben (played by Connor) to stab into to show his anger and the start of his madness and revenge of wanting to kill Ellie.

This is the knife that Connor used to stab into the photos on the noticeboard.

Filming at Scarlett's

On Monday 28th February, me and Connor went to Scarlett's house at 3pm to film the end shots of our horror opening. To create a scary atmosphere, we decided to film the scene of the stabbing of the photos in the dark and using a torchlight to create some light. This worked really well as it made our footage more sinister and frightening which we are trying to create through the character, Ben. I filmed the footage as planned based on our storyboards and also filmed extra shots so we would have more to edit with. I filmed from different angles, from the side and also used over-shoulder shots of Connor stabbing the photos multiple times to have more variety when editing. I also slowly zoomed into the stabbing of the photos to increase the feel of tension and suspense of our opening. By using the torchligh, it created different spotlights and having this scene in the dark made it more scary and on edge as the audience would not be able to see clearly but only shadows, darkness and a bit of light. Scarlett also switched the torchlight on and off when I was filming Connor stabbing the photos. This made our footage look really good as when Scralett switched the light on and off, it created different blurred shadows of the stabbing of the photos and also reflections on the knife which made it look quite dramatic.

After filming these shots, we felt that we had a lot of footage to edit with so we decided to keep the footage we filmed in town. We also decided not to film in town again as some of our cast were busy with other work and might not have a lot of free time for filming.