Sunday 27 February 2011

Arranging time for filming at Scarlett's

We decided to film the end shots of the scene of the stabbing of the photos tomorrow, Monday 28th February. However, Hayley is going to be busy tomorrow so me and Scarlett decided to film these shots at Scarlett's house as we are both free tomorrow. We only asked Connor if he was free tomorrow for filming and he said that he was free. He plays Ben in our horror opening and he is the only character in the end shots of our opening stabbing the photos. These shots are going to be easier to film as there is only one character in it. As these shots are filmed at Scarlett's house, Scarlett has arranged for me and Connor to go to her house at 3pm, giving us enough time to film.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Booking out the Camera

On Friday 18th February, I booked out the camera so we would be able to finish filming our opening in the half term. However, I asked the Librarian, who keeps all the cameras and tripods, first on Thursday 17th February if it was ok to book the camera out for half term as we would be keeping it for a week. She said it was ok which means we could finish all our filming and be able to film more footage and extra shots for our opening in the week. Now that we have a camera and tripod for the half term, all we need to do is arrange an appropriate time that our cast would be free to film in our opening.

Filming in the Half Term

We couldn't finish our filming this week due to some of our cast being busy and also the bad weather. However, we figured out that we could film in the half term and could download the footage on the first day we come back, which would be Tuesday 1st March and have everything ready for editing on the first lesson we have on Wedsnesday 2nd March. The shots that we have left to film are the scenes in town and also the stabbing of the photos at the end of the opening. This means that we don't have much filming left to do and would not take long to finish filming these shots as these scenes especially the shots in town would have to be filmed all on the same day

Filming postponed

As we had to film our footage in town again, we decided to try and film it on Sunday 13th February. However we forgot to book the camera out and also the weather was really bad as it was raining heavily so we couldn't film on that day. I decided to try and arrange a different time for filming and thought that Wednesday 16th February was a good day to film. However, when we asked our cast if they could film on that Wednesday, some of our cast were going to busy on that day so we didn't book out the camera.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Downloading footage we filmed at Scarlett's on Mac

On Thursday 10th February, I had a lot of free time so I decided to download the footage we filmed at Scarlett's on the Mac so we would have more time to film and download other footage. The footage downloaded was 2 minutes 10 seconds from 15 clips.This would be enough to edit with as they are the end shots, only one part of our opening and also that we have more shots to film and download for our horror opening. This means that we would have more footage that we could edit with. 

Filming at Scarlett's house

On Wednesday 9th February, we all met at Scarlett's house at 5:30 with all the cast dressed as though the characters in the horror opening are ready to go to a party. We decided to film at 5:30 as it would be quite dark which would set the scene of our end shots of our opening of the characters going to a party.We decided to film them coming out of Scarlett's house and walking to the party. I decided to film the shots of the characters coming downstairs as though they have gotten ready at the house. I filmed them from the top of the stairs walking down and then from the bottoms of the stairs. This would help with the editing of our opening as we would have a range of camera angles and shots to edit with. We also decided to use some props and gave each of our cast a can of beer or bottle of alcohol to show that the party they are going to would involve alcohol and maybe drugs. I also filmed them opening the front door inside the house and filmed the characters from the outside coming out the door. I also filmed them from the front and back and also panned them walking down the street as though they are walking to the party. I tried filming their feet walking down the street but it was not clear enough as it was quite dark. However, with all the different shots and angles we filmed would help make our opening more interesting when we edit it.

Friday 11 February 2011

Arranging time for filming

As we wanted to finish our filming in a week, I decided that Wednesday was a good day to film as Hayley and Scarlett was also free on that day. We then asked our cast if they were free on Wednesday 9th February for filming and they all said yes. However, we needed Scarlett's permission as we were going to film at her house for the end shots of our horror opening. When me and Hayley asked Scarlett about filming she said it was ok to do some filming at her house so we booked out the camera on Wednesday and decided for everyone to meet and start filming at 5:30 at Scarlett's house. We also told our cast to dress like they are going to a party as the characters near the end of the opening are ready to go to a party.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Filming postponed

On Friday 4th February, we were going to book out the camera so we could film our footage that we needed in town today. We decided that Sunday was a good day to film in town as it is usually not busy and our cast were normally free on that day. However, when we asked our cast if they could film on Sunday, all of them said yes except one of our main actor, Connor who plays Ben in our opening, was going to be busy on Sunday. This meant that we couldn't film in town today. We have decided to try and finish all our filming for our opening next week so it gives us time to download the footage on the Mac as there are only 2 more weeks to finish the Production stage of our opening which is the filming of it, and would also need the footage downloaded. After having all the footage we need downaloaded on the Mac, we would be ready to move forward into the Post-Production stage which is the editing of our opening.